Nikita Singh

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Nikita Singh author books biography

Nikita Singh is a popular-among-youth novelist from India. She has authored many erotic novels and made her name among juvenile, semi-adult and also the adult readers looking for quick-reads without any emotional or intellectual arrest. As self-publishing has done a remarkable job in making new authors, the generation inspired by Chetan Bhagat is now showing its wings in full-spread. Now, everyone has a voice to say and a few among them become Nikita Singh – popular and bestselling. She is one among those romantic novelists who have been rubbing the same pen on the same paper again and again and each time, the results are different. So, one has to admit the talent and also the adamant attitude and also the friendliness of the readers who are waiting for the ‘next’ with ease. 

In this article, we will know about the personal life, books written and literary contribution made to the Indian English fiction by Nikita Singh. You can read this article till the end to know many things about her. You can also buy her books by clicking the link to Amazon that is given at the end of the ‘Books’ section. 

Personal Life:

She was born in 1991 in Patna where she spent her childhood. She later moved to Indore where she has done her primary schooling. She has done her High school from Ranchi and later graduated in pharmacy. Finally, she moved to New York to obtain her master degree in creative writing. She joined Penguin as an editor and started working on her first book Love@facebook. 

Her Writings:

Nikita Singh is a modern Indian author who writes majorly so-called romance novels but unfortunately, I cannot find romance in that. Instead of romance, I can only find nakedness, nudity and eventually, sex. Her writings are basically focused on the hate and love relationship between passionate and young people that start with psychical intimacy and ends otherwise. Nevertheless, one has to admit that the authors like Nikita have their own fan base – the impacts of reading such novels can be debated later. 

One thing that needs to be settled is the standard of the creative writing course that she might have attended. Because her novels are popular among the youths, it is sure that her teachers must have told her the ways to become truly contemporary so that the readers will like her. However, it should also be understood that the courses in creative writing might have become the courses in commercial literary writing. The publications of erotica by the publishers like Penguin and other reputable ones also show that the big names or the publishing giants are just looking to milk money – as much as they can – rather than making sure they contribute something meaningful to Indian literature. Moreover, the publication of mediocre titles by such publishers also entice other (mostly novice) writers to publish their books and thus, the self-publishing companies in India are on a rise. So, one can infer that authors like Nikita Singh have inspired many young and amateur novelists to try their luck in Indian English fiction; on the other hand, she and many like her are also responsible for the rapidly falling standards of Indian English fiction…   

Into her works:

Her novel Love @ Facebook is a novel about teenagers who fall in love by meeting and chatting on Facebook and in the course of their affair, many ugly sides of the Indian writing get exposed thoroughly. You can put all of her novels at your desk and try to reach a conclusion by reading all – I am sorry to tell you but you can actually summarise all her novels with the same conclusion because they all recall the same settings and same plot – events that lead to pulling off one’s shirt and pants and that’s all. A different kind of love story where sex is in limelight and everything else is not in focus – in short, this is what her novels bring to the readers. And, sadly, this is what the readers love.  

She has co-authored a book with Durjoy Datta ‘If it’s not forever… it’s not love’ that is based on the true incidents of Delhi High court blast. However, two things are certain in Indian movies and modern writings that it cannot be completed without a love story. The real incident fades into the oblivion and the love story steals the headlines and the same was done here. 

Her works:

  • Love @ Facebook (2011)
  • Accidentally in Love (2011)
  • If It’s Not Forever… It’s Not Love (2012)
  • The Promise (2012)
  • 25 Strokes of Kindness (2013)
  • Someone Like You (2013)
  • The Unreasonable Fellows (2013)
  • Right Here Right Now (2014)
  • After All This Time (2015)
  • Like A Love Song (2016)
  • Every Time It Rains (2017)
  • Letters To My Ex (2018)
  • The Reason is You (2019)

You can buy her books from Amazon by clicking the link below:

Buy her novels – Amazon India

Major Awards:

The section is empty still.

Moreover, there is very scanty hope that something might be seen here unless the author begins using her ‘fame’ to write something really worthy and productive to convey useful messages to her young audience. Otherwise, Nikita Singh is following her own fame with her own style and doing nothing in terms of literary production. ‘Juvenile fiction’ cannot be considered serious. 


The authors like Nikita Singh provide a momentary joy to the readers who can read their book and forget without even trying to remember anything. However, why should we remember anything if there is nothing to be remembered. The novels are basically written for the youths of today and that’s why they have to fuse erotic elements in the novels. So, the novels by Nikita Singh are perfect examples of commercially erotic novels and the author herself is an example of a successful literary entrepreneur who invests her time in writing and rips the monetary returns. If you want to read her novels, you have either to be a young man of 20 or a man with no literary regard – you can read anything that comes on your table.  

written by Amit Mishra for The Indian Authors 

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