Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev Author books biography

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Name: Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev (popular as Sadhguru only)  Genre: Self-Help, Motivational, Spiritual, Religious, Philosophical, Psychological  Famous Books: Death, Inner Engineering, Adiyogi: The Source of Yoga    Basic Introduction:  India has…
Amish Tripathi author books biography

Amish Tripathi

Name: Amish Tripathi Genre: Mythological, Neo-historic, Fantasy Famous Books: Ravana: The Enemy of Aryavarta, Rama, Sita: The Warrior of Mithila Apparently, in the last twenty years, Indian English writings have…
Neeraj Sharma author books biography

Niraj Sharma

Name: Niraj Sharma Genre: Crime, Thriller, Self-help, Psychological   Famous Books: The Penthouse, Pinstripe Lust (forthcoming)  Basic Introduction: Niraj Sharma is an author who is also managing the business of his…
Savi Sharma author books biography

Savi Sharma

Name: Savi Sharma Genre: Fiction, Romance, Inspirational  Famous Books: Everyone Has a Story, This is Not Your Story Basic Introduction:  Well, in the modern era, almost every third reader is…
Anuj Dhar non-fiction history author

Anuj Dhar

Name: Anuj Dhar Genre: Non-fiction, Politics, History Famous Books: India’s Biggest Cover-up, Back from Dead: Inside the Subhas Bose Mystery Basic Introduction:  Indian non-fiction writing is in a booming phase.…
Ravinder Singh author books biography

Ravinder Singh

Though this article is about Ravinder Singh, the author who has suddenly realised that India is intolerant and the democratically elected government doesn’t have the rights to legislate, let’s get…
Nikita Singh author books biography

Nikita Singh

Nikita Singh is a popular-among-youth novelist from India. She has authored many erotic novels and made her name among juvenile, semi-adult and also the adult readers looking for quick-reads without…
Anita Nair author books biography

Anita Nair

An Introduction: Anita Nair is an Indian novelist who made her mark by not conforming to the prevalent trends in Indian English Literature. She has chosen her own way of…

Romila Thapar

Academic Writers
India is a nation that is known for heritage, culture, strong tradition, values and ethics. There is no civilization in the world that’s old enough as of us, the Indians.…

Amartya Sen

Amartya Sen is one of the most important figures in the history of the economics literature. Not only in India, but he is also regarded as one of the most…