Name: Ashwin Sanghi
Born: 1969
Genre: Thriller-Fiction, Mythological
Famous Books: The Krishna Key, Keepers of the Kalachakra, Chanakya’s Chant
An Introduction:
Ashwin Sanghi is an Indian writer who usually writes about thriller and suspense. Despite writing in the present era of uncertainty among a certain trend, Ashwin holds different themes than ordinary romance. He keeps things good and polishes them to be better with his conventional style of writing. Basically, he tries to present theological, mythological and historical concepts in a contemporary context.

Personal Life:
Ashwin Sanghi was born in the family of a businessman on 25th January 1969. He graduated in economics and then went to Yale University for pursuing MBA. After completing the course he returned to India and joined his family business. He tried to apply his creative mind in handling the family business but fate demanded something else from him and he eventually chose writing as a profession. when his first novel came in 2006, he shifted his objectives from business to a full-time writer. Nonetheless, a part of him still engages in his family business…
Ashwin Sanghi’s Fiction:
The conception of Ashwin Sanghi’s fiction is somewhat different from his contemporaries. His style, composition and narration style take a rather classical approach in describing every possible detail. That’s why he is regarded as Indian Dan Brown by many critics and the media. His novels are inspired by the high values of mythology and theology. He simply tries to present them to the readers in a contemporary term that they can grasp it easily. He tries to connect the ancient with the modern and mostly succeeds in his noble business of words. His recent book, Keepers of the Kalachakra is a great example of this tactic. His novels are a bit classic with the handling and the theme but there is enough conclusive instance that he does his best within his framework to demonstrate the vastness and soundness of our ethics and philosophy. His novels are not written in any kind of hurry for giving a romantic solution to any and every possible problem of life.
His all-time best novel ‘Chankaya’s chant’ portraits the classic picture of ancient time in a contemporary context. His novels have a purpose to engage the reader in reading a contemporary novel but also connecting them to the times they could not live in the past. It’s not a regression; it’s a kind of tour that Ashwin Sanghi offers the readers into the past.
A List of works by Ashwin Sanghi:
The Rozabal line – 2008
Chanakya’s Chant – 2010
The Krishna key – 2012
Private India – 2014
13 Steps of Bloody Good marks – 2017
13 Steps of Bloody Good Luck – 2014
Keepers of the Kalachakra – 2018
The Sialkot Saga – 2016
Notable Awards:
Vodafone-Crossword Popular Choice Award in 2010.
Concluding Remarks:
Ashwin is not called the modern tale-teller of India without substantial reasons. He is famous across the reading audience, in India as well as outside India. His works offer the readers more than mere entertainment that most of the novelists tend to offer these days. Amish can be called to be following the footsteps of Ashwin (an opinion only) because he provides many things in a single book he writes. Ashwin is a novelist for the youths, for the kids and also for the professional readers of Indian fiction! You can read his books to know more about him… To buy his books, you can click on the names of the books that we have mentioned above (links to Amazon India).
Article prepared and published by Amit Mishra for The Indian Authors