Anita Krishan

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Author: Anita Krishan

Born: 1955, Shimla

Books: Despite Stolen Dreams, Tears of Jhelum, Fluffy and Me, The Burning Orchard, Running Up the Hill

Genre: Literary Fiction

Official Website: Anita Krishan

Anita Krishan


Anita Krishan is one of those authors in the contemporary Indian fiction who has carved her own impression irrespective of the popular trend. She hasn’t been writing the romance or soothing fiction of the readers which only offer momentary pleasure and then just fades away from the reading cache or the memories of the readers. Her books have been critically appreciated by the leading book critics as well as the readers because of the seriousness that they possess. Her writing does not base itself on the fancies of fiction; rather, her fiction is inspired by the realities of contemporary society and she writes as if she wants to question the world – where have we erred? Can we do a little better now and move towards something better?

Anita Krishan was born and raised in Shimla. Her education also was completed at the same place. With a master’s degree in English Literature, Anita Krishan entered the academic world and worked as an educator for 25 long years in which she has taught many students and helped them progress. Other than being an educator, Anita has also been associated with The Indian Economist as a senior contributor and had man an impressive contribution.

Anita Krishan’s writing majorly focuses on the current imbalance that we have been witnessing on all the fronts. Be it social, political, environmental or the humane. As a sensitive person herself, she has been affected too and that’s why her writing took to counter it and make people aware of the problems as well as guiding towards a possible solution.

Her fiction is enriched with the multiplicity of human emotions and it travels through the nation. Tears of Jhelum tells us the behind the curtain story of terrorism and violence in Kashmir which fades in the background for so many reasons. Anita believes in telling the stories which have a serious impact on the readers and which can render them into a thoughtful state. The novel Tears of Jhelum sees its progress in her latest novel Despite Stolen Dreams. This novel tells about the people who have braved the worst of adversaries without faltering and losing their faith in their capabilities.

Surely, authors such as Anita Krishan, are the reason that Indian fiction is looked up to. Her works are praised not only by the readers but also by the serious readers as well as book critics as well as the passionate book bloggers. We will keep tracking the writing progress of Anita Krishan and update the section with her latest books as they publish.

You can buy the books by Anita Krishan by visiting the links below:

Despite Stolen Dreams

Tears of Jhelum

Fluffy and Me

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